had planned everythin on thursday evening..friday we were going to hebbe falls... we refers to siddhu, ranjan, abhi, deepak, sourabh our loyola school batch..siddhu was bringing his dad's santro..expenses for fuel was shared by all of us.. they had to pick me up at 6:30 but they followed typical loyola rule..'being late'..picked me up at 7..siddu drove till bdvt bypass den ranjan took over..near tarikere we got down to take a break..der was ailway track near by so clicked some pics there..
we did not have even a bit of idea or knowledge about the route..just went on going..
there was a place where we should have stopped n took on walking..but some asshole advised us to go further at that place...siddhu started driving..we were actually going on a road which was only meant for fourwheel drive vehicals..came back after going nearly a km in that route..if we had went further we would have never returned...
there was tourist jeeps which were meant to travell in that route...we dicided to go in jeep coz it was already getting noon n we had to get down the hill section before sunset..coz driving at dark in those areas is very dangerous.. after talking for sumtime with hose jeepwalas we agreed for 500 rs rent..went in jeep till there n even after the last point we had to walk 1 km before reaching the falls..
But the dumbest thing that we did was not bringing the camera here...every one was very fustrated.. :-( but yen madokke agotte..when we got into water it was as cold as ice..huuuu shivering we went in n after 10 min of being in water it did not matter much...enjoyed a lot..the we went directly went under the falls..with the water falling with that force it was amazing keeping our head under it...lotz of fun...
after all the fun in water came out had some snacks and then me and sourabh decided to go up the side where there was a very steep way so that we can go above the falls..it was damm steeep ..but everyone followed us..but gave up half way up..me sourabh n deepu continue i was at the top among the three n in reached a sopt above which it was impossivle to move..we were actually above the falls..more than above..but there was no way that we can get near the falls coz of the dense bushes...coming down was lots f fun..we had a race he he ...sourabh cheated n came down first...walked back to jeep..but a dog followed all the way..we were amazed..we just fed it a biscut n it never left us..they r damm what we call neeyattina prani..we were completely exhausted...came back to car n took these snaps
so all the fun over...had to drive back..siddhu even after treking so much still had to drive..but he did it...abhi's mom was scolding him over phone..he had asked her permission for goin to swimming n came with us ;-) he he...siddhu got down at his relatives house at badravathi..ranjan drove us back to shimoga...we home and slept uffffff...
have to tell that we had a lots of fun n fustration of not taking the camera to hebbe falls...Siddhu drove wonderfully over four wheel drive route..lots of courage..
along the way we were fighting over the music that was being played in car..ranjan wanted hudugata n galipatas songs n rest of us wanted hindi..was lot of fun teasin abhi and ranjan..sorry guys...