

Went through a roller coaster ride in these 4 months, so many ups, so many downs, so many detours. well most of the journey was downwards n the steepest ones were loosing my cell phone n my eng 3rd sem results each of which ill elaborate later.. hmm now lets concentrate on the brighter ones, the brightest one being the trip to mallalli falls in somvarpete and madikeri.

The Trip:

hm well this story has lot of confusion filled background wid lot of problems.. whenever we hear "problem" the first thing that comes to our mind is women. women n problem appear to be a wonderful phrase when used together. well coming to the point am trying to make here is that whenever you plan something which includes gals in it, plan it in such a way that it makes no difference even if they come or not. In our case first they agreed to come everyone was happy, we went to book a high tech bus, the next moment they said 'we cant come', reason ?? dad may not permit cause it was a package involving a night journey so we cancell the bus n look for a cheaper alternative. Again next day you hear 'yeah we will come' and then by afternoon 'na we cant' some say 'its not safe re' he he.. ill end it now lets focus on the enjoyment that we had after sharing my philosophy here " precision planning, perfection, peace when paired with girls results in the formation of oxymoron while problem and girl makes the opposite"

so now lets concentrate on the trip..after all this circus atlast 23 of us were onroute to mallalli going through tarikere, kadur, hassan, arkalgud n den somvarpete.. Somvarpete was a beautiful place to be..with the morning mist covering the mountains bla bla..had breakfast there n left to mallalli falls by 8 am.

start of journey at shimoga

Stop at kadur
mrng at somvarpete
morning mist at somvarpete

reached a guesthouse where where the route was divided into two, one leading to pushpagiri peak n other to falls. As the bus could not move further we decided to walk to the falls which was 3 km away.. all of us were full of enthusiasm with all the shouting n screaming each others girlfriends name ;) the walk till there was amazing as you can see in the pics below. it was covered by tall trees and there was shade all the way.

the guest house where the road divides

the wonderful trek 3 km

wonderful sight along the way

no of ups n downs through the way

so at the end point we were standing on a hill looking at the falls which was below us in altitude. the girst view was not so pleasing as the water and size of the falls seemed to be less. To enjoy the falls we had to get down to it.. the route downwards from hilltop was awesome re such narror, steep covered with green plants n trees, had never been in such a place before. then suddenly the falls appeared at a distance and the word "OH MY GOD" appeared on everyone's mouth. Trust me the scene was just amazing n breathtaking. well i managed to capture the view but not the excitement. As we moved towards the falls our assumption of it being a small falls vanished. It was MASSIVE, our friends who reached there before us seemed so tiny in front of it..

at hilltop with falls below us

awesome path which leads to bottom of falls

first breathtakin view of the falls

see the size of us at bottom of falls

The most amazing thing about the falls was that there were actually two falls the first one was massive and the second one followed it further downstream and here is the excitement, We were supposed to play in the span between the larger n smaller falls.. when i stood there to my left was the first large fall n to my right was smaller fall n infront of me was the small area we were suppossed to play. everyone was scared at first to get in water as the water had force and we could hav been washed into the smaller fall and have a dive of our life.. so we searched for a safe place n within no time everyone was in water.. spent 2 hours there. it was the ultimate pleasure u could have got the fun n fear never seemed so exciting.
The spray of water was gushing in our faces n we were totally wet in just 5 min of standin in front of it. later we decided to get in water..

second falls of which we were very afraid of
falling had enormous force

climbing back to top was very tiring. evryone
had left n v ver the last ones der

The return journey from the falls to the bus was the most tiresome n exhaustive walk i ever had. would hav given up even if the bus was was 100 mts away from its position. we were totally exhausted to climb the hill back as it was very steep n we still had 3 kms of walk left to the bus..
had an argument on which place to visit next, decided abbi falls n everyone just slept after reaching bus.

after abbi we decided to have lunch. the went on to see raja seat which was not so fun, n even abbi was not so eye catching or exciting or amusing compared to mallalli falls. so fun on seeing them was not so overwhelming.

at abbi falls

a beautiful view from raja seat

at golden temple

camp fire at night on the way to shimoga

then decided to go to golden temple in kushalnagar which was worth seeing. it was already dark n we could not enjoy the view much.. and now as am typing am thinking that i have stretched this trip stuff very much so i stop it here n move on to new year bash..


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My online personal space..trying to share my moments wid everyone through text n pics. the theme of the blog is being my field of intrest, space n stars.

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a complete freak i may say..
