

In the vast emptiness i feel
I search for you..
for ur the one i ought to be with,
n ur r the one i ought to die with,
for today i know hw much i depend on you
Ur the one, the only one
made for me..only for me.

i entertain all the memories,
all the thoughts n all the feelings
that contains you,
n i feel this bliss,
oh ya..i feel like being wid u
missing u like never before..come to me..come to me
for iam waiting for u..will be waiting for ever..
love you so much..
my love

my first poem or whatever u may say. it just came from my heart so fluently..feelings!! they r not just a condition of mind..they are more more capable od doin what they dont seem to be.. i wanna say sumthin to all the people who r not in love..YOU are missing the most important thing in your life..for people who think love is time waste, actuall ur wasting ur precious life.. fall in true love once n ull never want to come out of it..its the most wonderful thing god has created..a masterpiece..

Imagine, a feeling which has no physical presence controlling two people..that feeling which has the power to make them do everythin they can or cannot to just to be with each other..a feeling which makes people achieve immposible..which has so much of intensity, so much of power, so much of control, so much of is so much capable..i just love the feeling of love..
thanks god for making such a u


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My online personal space..trying to share my moments wid everyone through text n pics. the theme of the blog is being my field of intrest, space n stars.

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a complete freak i may say..
