

Sunday, 7:20 am, am in bus stand waiting for the people who told me to be there by 7..everyone came by 8 n we boarded the bus to chenngiri.. my frnds had been in the same bus before n called it by the name 'rally gadi'..coz it had bad suspension n experienced fast driver ;-)
went to chengiri at about i was hungry by then i had a couple of banana n kadle mitayee...

mahesh's house was still 8 kms away..we boarded birur bus but as there was no place inside conductor offered us to climb on was my wish since childwood to travell on top of a bus...

within a few min even the top was full of ppl.. there were some ice candy sellrs who gave us sum ice of it..enjoyed the ice candy n had some photo session on the time we reached the place everyone had become our frnds..wihtin 2 minutes of geting down of bus mahesh came to pick us up...all of us were very hungry as we reached his home..breakfast was ready..concrete(uppittu) n kesri baat...chennagi tindu we went to roam in their plantations...after a hour of roaming we decided to rest till the function begins..there was a black santro..just leaned n it n spent nearly another hour der...
function started at around 1..

again waited to have lunch as there were lots of ppl waitin wid us...later i came to know that his cousin, the bride was my bro's class mate in loyola school..
had lunch n then swimming ghost came on the heat was eating us n they had nearly 4 to 5 big tanks to swim..he showed us the route to a tank..but the water was only upto the waist evel...adre nav bidbekalla..adrella hegi biddu tumba maja madudvi...
at around 5:30 bus stop ge hodvi...the bus for shimoga was at 6:30..there was a shop famous for bonda..we ate mandakki n bonda there...n got into the bus at the time mentioned...there was lots of chit chat while cuming back..n we got seats inside the time passed really fast...went home at 9

had a great day yesterday with frnds...


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My online personal space..trying to share my moments wid everyone through text n pics. the theme of the blog is being my field of intrest, space n stars.

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a complete freak i may say..
