Finally after painful waiting i got the result yesterday.. i was just refreshing the vtu result page... the same stuff was visible over n over again" result announced 4 gul, bang, n bel region.. n suddenly for my amazement' results are announced for all regions' message appeared... siddhu was with me in our home...we were dumb. i quickly entered my USN n aila 660 of 50..i was very happy.. now u may think whats there to be so happy...its not much marks... but for me n my preparation it was more than enough.. i expected 65 % but got 78.58%... 0.02% more than what my brother had got during his first sem ;-)
after seeing the result i started screamin like anything...siddhu saw nwxt n joined me in screaming.. just then sachin(kammu) entered our house...within 5 min he was shouting n dancing like drunken monkey..he was dammn happy... started informing everyone abt result..within no time the vtu server was on high load n results were taking very long to appear. frnds ge ella heli heli result 3 hours hogidde gotagilla..
went to siddhu's haouse later to format his pc n install XP dark edition...dammn good OS wid awesome design n graphics...
but after a wonderful day had a terrible night.. after coming from siddhu's house i noticed that my cell was not der in ma pocket..again went to his house which is around 3 km frm ma house.. al hogi nodudre allu illa..i thought it might have fell while again searched all along the road in which i came 2 times..gave up searchin..n sudden sarvesh who was sittin behind me then asked me to chek the dikki of my scooter...n there it was..waste of petrol time n tension..all for nothing :-(..hogli cell adru siktalla
thats all for now,
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